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Do you love vinyl records? If you do, you’ll love 45 Day.

The “45” in the name of this day refers to 45 rpm vinyl records. Sometimes referred to as singles or 7-inches they are occasionally known as donuts on account of the fact that they have a hole in the middle. 45s are loved by people the whole world over and the 45 rpm record has had somewhat of a renaissance in recent years.

The day was created so that people could celebrate the 7” record. The aim of 45 Day is not only to celebrate the music but also to promote record sales and promote record stores.

Let’s take a deeper look into where 45 Day came from and how you can take part.

How to Celebrate 45 Day

Get Together with DJs

To celebrate 45 Day, DJs get together to take part in the event. If you want to get involved with the event you can also submit your own DJ mixes which will be included on the website. You could also play 45s on the day on radio shows, at live events, and stream them live too.

Listen to a 45s Radio Show

If you don’t want to get involved as a participating DJ you can just enjoy the selection of music on offer. There is a radio show and a live stream of the event meaning you can take part and witness the event wherever you are.

You can check out the 45 Day website that includes interviews and articles about DJs, record label owners, promoters, producers, radio show hosts, all of who talk about 45s.

Buy Some New (or Vintage) 45s

You could also celebrate the day by heading to your local record store and buying yourself some new 45s on vinyl. Then, take them back home and spin the black circle! We all have that one record that we cherish. It’s high time it was dusted off and enjoyed.

History of 45 Day

45 Day was founded by Christos Christou so that people could celebrate the 7-inch record. The day was first introduced in 2020 so that there could be a single day of the year when people could celebrate the music and the stores that sell the records.

The humble 45 has been around since the late 40s. Even though they did drop out of use in the 90s, they have come back into favour in recent years and are growing in popularity. Many record stores have began selling vinyl records once more, and artists have started releasing new albums and singles on vinyl.

The first-ever 45 Day was held while the world was in lockdown meaning that everything had to be carried out online. The event featured a total of 52 DJ mixes, and a two hour live streamed radio show.

No matter how proud you are at the size of your vinyl collection, a Brazilian billionaire has you beat. His personal collection has over 6,000,000 albums and is growing – he buys out the entire stock of stores that go out of business and he has a staff of buyers that regularly travel to Europe and the United States to buy close-out stock and attend auctions.

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