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Pimples on the face and body can bring about a literal rash of issues that can be painful, frustrating, and even embarrassing.

People who have acne can struggle with severe confidence issues, having a negative impact on the self-image. With at least 9% of people worldwide affected by acne, this is a concern that affects hundreds of millions of people.

Acne Positivity Day is here to change the stigma behind acne, recognizing that all humans deserve acceptance and everyone can embrace their unique journeys with acne!

History of Acne Positivity Day

Acne Positivity Day was founded in 2020 through the efforts of skin care company La Roche-Posay, which is based in New York but has French roots as it was founded in the city by a town of the same name in France.

The purpose behind this day is to promote and foster healthier relationships between all people and their skin.

How to Celebrate Acne Positivity Day

Take a look at some of these ideas for getting involved with Acne Positivity Day:

Learn the Acne Positivity Lexicon

For people who are on a journey of healing through acne, experts offer a lexicon of terms that allow for a healthy path. Here are some of the important terms and phrases to remember:

  • Patience. Healing is a journey, so be patient and kind to self and others
  • Struggles Beyond Skin. Remember that feelings are valid and mental health is vital too
  • Solace Within Community. Sharing and connecting with others is a boost
  • Progress/Journey. Instead of looking for overnight success, remember this is a journey that will take some time

Visit Acne Positivity Events

Each year, the La Roche-Posay company is dedicated to helping individuals work hard to destigmatize their acne concerns.

For instance, in 2023, the company hosted a live event as a Pop-Up in New York City in late July. The “Positivity Lab” was an opportunity for visitors to be empowered to embrace their beauty and celebrate through self-love.

From a Doodle Bar to opportunity to speak with skin care experts, as well as educational opportunities about the connection between acne and mental health, attendees were encouraged to spread acne positivity throughout the world.

Get Educated About Acne

Acne is a fairly prevalent skin condition that has a lot of misconceptions surrounding it. In honor of Acne Positivity Day, perhaps it would be a good idea to spend a little time reading about then busting some myths around the topic of acne. Check out some of these to begin with:

Myth: Acne only happens to teenagers

Truth: Acne can affect people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond

Myth: Acne is caused by poor skin hygiene

Truth: This skin condition is from overactive sebum glands

Myth: Acne goes away on its own

Truth: Early and effective skin care treatment is the best practice

Share Your Acne Journey

Those who have come to terms with their skin and are in a better relationship with it might want to come alongside someone else to act as an encouragement.

Perhaps Acne Positivity Day would be a good time to send a message of care out into the world through social media. Share your own stories and be a light for someone else!

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