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I can’t talk to a man who bears an undeserved animosity towards ferrets.

Graham Chapman

Who doesn’t love ferrets? They’re slinky balls of fur that love to jump, tumble, and squeak! Although it isn’t a common pet to have in the household, ferrets are lovable creatures that can bring excitement into your life. Sadly, not many ferrets get adopted. That’s why the month of April is deemed Adopt a Ferret month, a month all about educating people about ferrets and where you can get them. Let’s take a look at what ferrets are like and how you can go about getting a new fuzzy friend into your home.

History of Adopt A Ferret Month

Adopt a Ferret Month is all about educating people about ferrets and how to take care of them. The holiday has multiple roots, but one of the best ways to take part in the holiday and its goal is through the Ferret Association of Connecticut. FACT was one of the original organizations that offered information about domestic ferrets when there wasn’t any. Because not many mainstream organizations offer ferret adoptions, FACT makes resources available by providing lists of shelters in your area, factual information about ferrets and what they’re like as pets, and programs that you can also get involved in.

Ferrets as pets can be lovable a fun to have, but in the end, just like any pet, they can also be a huge responsibility. Websites like FACT offer information about what to consider before adopting a ferret, how to care for a ferret, and what it’s like to have a ferret in your life day-to-day. Knowing the difference between pet shops, adoption centers, and buying from a breeder can make all the difference as well as knowing the signs of behavior in your ferret. No matter the place, this holiday is a dedication towards educating people all over the world about ferret adoption and what a difference it can make in your life and your new-found friend.

How to Celebrate Adopt A Ferret Month

If you are considering adopting a ferret during this month, then it’s best to do lots of research into ferrets, what they are like, and whether or not you can afford one. Once you make that choice and that choice is yes, then look up a local shelter using FACT’s shelter directory to find a location near you. Once approved for purchase or adoption, hashtag #adoptaferretmonth on social media and share with your friends about your new lovable ferret in your life. You can also use your social media to share websites like FACT to your friends and family and help others educate themselves about the ferret.

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