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Sometimes I think the one thing I love most about being an adult is the right to buy candy whenever or wherever I want

Ryan Gosling

Do you like Sweets? Chocolate, taffy, Sweet and Sour Trolli worms, just to name a few. There is nothing like going to the store and picking up whatever grabs your fancy, and it’s one of the major benefits of being an adult! What’s your favorite candy, one that lifts you up or comforts you? With so many to choose from glass sugar, sweet licorice, and baked goods cookies and bread and puddings it’s possible you haven’t found your favorite yet. There’s not a country in the world that doesn’t have it’s favorite kind of candy that almost everyone finds alluring, comforting, or enlivening.

Learn about National Candy Day

You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans.

Ronald Reagan

If there is one day that we always look forward to, it is National Candy Day! After all, who doesn’t love the excuse to eat as much candy as they want? We hope your sweet tooth is ready for this one! Whether you are a fan of soft candies, the sour-type, hard candies, or any other sort of treat; you will be able to enjoy sweets galore on National Candy Day. Sounds pretty good to us! You can even use this as an opportunity to try any candies that you have not had a chance to experience yet.

There are so many reasons why we love National Candy Day! Let’s start by stating the obvious: we love candy! Who doesn’t? However, for a lot of people, candy can take them back to some special childhood memories. From birthday parties to stopping at the local sweet store on the way home from school, for a lot of children, candy was a bit part of their childhood. We are sure a lot of you can remember pestering your parents to try and have some candy before dinner time! Plus, candy is good for your mood too, right? Who doesn’t have a smile on their face when they are enjoying their favorite candy? We know that we certainly do!

In America, the two top-selling candies are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and M&Ms. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are chocolate rounded disks, which are filled with a creamy and sweet peanut butter filling. These iconic cups have been manufactured since 1928, with Hershey’s being the first company to make them. M&Ms debuted 13 years later, in 1941, and they were given to soldiers from the U.S. that were serving in World War Two. These sweets are milk chocolate drops that have a colorful coating of candy on the outside. They were developed by William Murrie and Forrest Mars, Sr.

It is also interesting to learn about some of the most popular candies around the world. In Canada, Kit Kat fingers are very popular. Of course, Kit Kats are sold all over the world, with more than 100 countries selling this type of chocolate treat. However, they are especially popular in Canada. Nestle has claimed that 700 Kit Kat fingers are consumed every second!

In Chile, it is an Italian company that has gained a lot of popularity; Ambrosoli. Today, the brand manufactures a diverse range of fruit candies, caramels, and chocolates in Chile. In Russia, Alpen Gold is one of the most popular candy brands. This is a line of chocolate bars, which come in many different varieties. You can get white, dark, and milk chocolate, which includes liqueur, coffee beans, hazelnuts, and other exciting and decadent additions.

One of the most popular exports of Poland is Prine Polo, which is a wafer bar covered in chocolate. This bar of chocolate is loved amongst Icelanders, in particular. A few decades ago, there were heavy important restrictions in Iceland, yet Prine Polo stayed the only foreign candy that was available in the country. It is believed that an average Iceland resident will consume more than a pound of the confection per year.

Not everyone prefers chocolate over gummies, though! In Denmark, the classic gummy bears that are produced by Haribo candy company are very popular. A wide range of other sugary treats is available from the brand as well, including licorice and sour gummy sweets. Danes are some of the earth’s most voracious consumers of candy. It is estimated that the average citizen consumes 18 pounds of candy every year.

Finally, in the UK, there is no denying that the Cadbury brand of chocolate is incredibly popular. Cadbury is distinct from other chocolates because of how milky it is. There are many different variations of Cadbury chocolate that are available today. This includes chocolate bars with caramel, crushed Oreos, jelly popping candy, mint pieces, and much more! There is a Cadbury chocolate bar for everyone, and there are new variations being experimented with all of the time.

You can spend some time on National Candy Day learning more about the different candies that are consumed around the world. There are definitely some interesting concoctions!

History of National Candy Day

In the early 13th century the English borrowed a word from the French who in turn adopted it from the Arabic word “Qandi” meaning “to be made from sugar.” Honey has been a favorite since ancient times. The Egyptians, Arabs, and the Chinese used it to make candied fruits that continue to be popular today, including candied ginger and honeyed dates. This also helped with the preservation and ability to store fruits as they traveled. After the Spaniards discovered cocoa, which had been used in South America as an unsweetened drink by the Aztec and Mayans since the late 15th century they began importing it to Europe, where it quickly became popular. While it took until 1847 for the first chocolate bar to be made, chocolate is now one of the world’s favorite candies.

Hard candies became popular until the early nineteenth century, lemon drops and peppermints were favorites. When the candy business took off in the early nineteenth century with the excitement spread like wildfire, candy shops started popping up throughout Europe and the Americas, and the shipping of sugar and cocoa was a big industry during this time. Candy shops and industries sprang up around the idea of making new and better candy. The competition for finding new ways to make the best candy continues still, with companies fiercely guarding their confectionary secrets.

How to celebrate National Candy Day

Whoever thought a tiny candy bar should be called fun size was a moron.

Glenn Beck

A great way to celebrate National Candy Day is to plan some fun time trying to make candy with your family. If you’re not feeling quite that ambitious, then head out and visit a local store and pick up an assortment of new and familiar candies to liven up your day. Want to make it a full family event? Head over to grandma’s and have her teach you and your children the secret of candy culinary mastery and share it with the whole family! Continue your candy crusade throughout the year by seeking out and trying new types of candy, and there’s no better way to sweeten up a day.

There are plenty of other ways that you can celebrate National Candy Day as well. As mentioned earlier, this is the perfect opportunity for you to try candies that you have not had the opportunity to enjoy yet. You may think that you have already tried all of the candies in the world. However, there are so many different varieties that are available, and you also have specialist candy stores that sell different products you would not find in a traditional supermarket. If you go searching, we are sure that you will find tons of new and exciting candies to try!

You could also have a good at creating your own candy for a change. This may seem like a hard task, but there are some great recipes online that make it as easy as possible. Candy is created by boiling sugar in milk or sugar until it starts to caramelize, so it is not as complex as you may think. Plus, thanks to the Internet, there are recipes for all skill levels. You can find classic candy recipes, as well as some adventurous ideas that you may have never even considered before, so you are bound to find something that appeals to your taste buds!

A final suggestion that we have for National Candy Day is to buy some candy for someone you love. After all, there is nothing better than receiving a surprise from someone for no reason whatsoever, is there? This is a great way to put a smile on someone’s face. Who doesn’t love candy? You could decide to use this date every year to buy some candies for someone different.

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