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No matter what goods or services you sell, the truth is that your business would be nothing without its clients. No matter whether we’re talking about those who visit the shopping mall every few weeks or those who prefer to make their purchases over the internet, the truth is that no business would make it without them.

They’re the ones who not only pay you for what you offer, but do a great amount of advertising for you as well. Remember: no celebrity paid thousands if not millions of dollars to say he or she loves a certain product could ever convince your stubborn but lovable grandparents to buy an item as well as you can, and your satisfied clients do you favors like this every single day. And that’s why showing them your appreciation is so important!

International Client’s Day was created for the purpose of letting all of your clients know just how glad you are that they’ve chosen your company. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to celebrate them!

History of International Client’s Day

The concept of having a holiday that would celebrate clients worldwide and their contribution to various businesses, from multinational corporations to mom and pop convenience stores, originated in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 2010. It was then and then that someone finally said, “Why not acknowledge our clients? After all, clients are the foundation of every business”, leading to the very first International Client’s Day being celebrated on March 19th, 2010.

And all at once, it seemed, the idea caught right on—International Client’s Day was soon reported by several newspapers, and then permanently added to the Lithuanian calendar. Since then, International Client’s Day has only grown in popularity. In 2012, it went full-out viral as companies all over the world took this opportunity to express their thanks to their clients.

A year later, in 2013, Client’s day was implemented by several Lithuanian corporations and commended by the president of Lithuania himself, and has since spread to Russia as well.

How to Celebrate International Client’s Day

If you have a company, no matter the size, International Client’s Day is the perfect time for you to do something nice for your clients. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be anything grand—not everyone can afford to spend an enormous amount of time or money on things like this.

As always, it’s the thought that counts, so get your team together to figure out what you can do for your clients to make them feel special. Do you have a bakery? Maybe consider giving everyone who comes in on International Client’s Day a cute little bag of cookies on their way out that with a note that says a simple thank you.

If you have a beauty salon, you could give your clients an assortment of samples of various beauty products, or offer each person who comes in a free nail painting. These are things that will not cost you too much, but will definitely make a lot of people’s days.

And isn’t that what this is all about? If you do not have direct contact with your clients on an everyday basis, you could also consider simply calling them up to let them know you appreciate doing business with them—that kind of personal touch is sure to be remembered for a long time.

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