National days on
Our favorite national days on
See what else is going onPretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
Spin tall tales about journeys through the past or future, and leave folks with raised eyebrows and a confused chuckle.
National Brownie Day
Indulge in a rich, chocolatey dessert, whether a mixed selection from the bakery, a tray bake rustled up at home or a brownie gathering with friends.
National Donair Day
Savoring succulent meat, creamy sauce, and fresh veggies wrapped in warm pita offers a delightful taste experience.
How to celebrate Dec 8th
Alright, feeling like a time traveler? Start your day off by dressing in attire from a different time period. Hit up a thrift store for affordable costume pieces. Next up, whip up some delicious brownies to share with friends or neighbors – an easy and inexpensive treat. Donair Day calls for a lunch of homemade donairs using pita bread, meat, and veggies. For National Blue Collar Day, why not get your hands dirty with a DIY home improvement project? Green Monday suggests a nature-themed activity like hiking or planting a tree. Celebrate Lard Day by indulging in some classic comfort food like fried chicken. Look into setting up a Health Savings Account to secure your future. Amp up the fun by playing pranks on Take it in the Ear Day – harmless jokes for a good laugh. Lastly, learn more about the religious significance of the Immaculate Conception. Overall, mix it up with historical, culinary, DIY, healthy, playful, and spiritual activities for a day full of varied experiences.
It's also…
Green Monday
Surprise your loved ones with thoughtful gifts! Last-minute shopping can be stressful, but it's never too late to spread some holiday cheer.
Blue Christmas
While most people are at home opening presents, emergency workers are on duty, ensuring the safety of their communities over the holidays.
Famous people born on this date
is part of…
See everything inDecembeard
Supporting bowel cancer research through facial hair growth, spreading awareness, and fostering solidarity in the community.
Gift of Sight Month
Our eyes are the windows to the world, and it's essential to cherish them. Protecting your sight is a gift for life.
Operation Santa Paws
Helping furry friends in need, giving a paw up to shelters, and being a voice for those who can't speak for themselves.
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
Ensuring that your favorite eateries follow top-notch protocols behind the scenes for everyone's well-being and satisfaction.
National Write A Business Plan Month
Mapping out a roadmap for a venture, sketching the blueprint that transforms innovative ideas into thriving businesses, step by step.
National Tie Month
Spicing up outfits with those sleek, fabric accessories that effortlessly add a dash of personality and professionalism.