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National Thank You Note Day

Taking a moment to express gratitude with a handwritten message, a simple gesture that lets others know you appreciate them.

National Candy Cane Day

Get hooked on these minty confectionery, sample different flavors or use them to enhance other sweet treats like hot chocolate and cookies.

National Whiner’s Day

With a positive attitude, every challenge is an opportunity to grow! Life's too short to waste it complaining.

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How to celebrate Dec 26th

Ever tried combining the joy of giving thanks, indulging in sweet treats, issuing proclamations, letting out some steam, and engaging in acts of boxing on one wild day? Start your unconventional celebration by spreading gratitude with handwritten notes to friends and family. Amp up the festive mood by crafting candy cane decorations to hang around your space. Consider declaring your own Proclamation Day by putting on a crown and announcing your favorite things to the world. Need to let loose? Embrace Whiner’s Day by venting your frustrations in private or having a good whine session with friends. For a twist, honor St. Stephen’s Day with a charitable act such as donating to a local food bank. Finally, wrap up your day with a playful nod to Boxing Day by organizing a friendly boxing match with pillows or having a boxing-themed movie marathon. Get creative, have fun, and make the most of this hilariously unconventional mishmash of holidays!

It's also…

Boxing Day

After the holiday rush, use this time to unwind, bond with family and friends, indulge in leftovers, or hit the stores for discounts.



Uniting in cultural richness, illuminating principles like unity, purpose, and creativity through vibrant rituals and meaningful gatherings.


Blue Christmas

While most people are at home opening presents, emergency workers are on duty, ensuring the safety of their communities over the holidays.

Famous people born on this date

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Supporting bowel cancer research through facial hair growth, spreading awareness, and fostering solidarity in the community.

Gift of Sight Month

Our eyes are the windows to the world, and it's essential to cherish them. Protecting your sight is a gift for life.

Operation Santa Paws

Helping furry friends in need, giving a paw up to shelters, and being a voice for those who can't speak for themselves.

Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

Ensuring that your favorite eateries follow top-notch protocols behind the scenes for everyone's well-being and satisfaction.

National Write A Business Plan Month

Mapping out a roadmap for a venture, sketching the blueprint that transforms innovative ideas into thriving businesses, step by step.

National Tie Month

Spicing up outfits with those sleek, fabric accessories that effortlessly add a dash of personality and professionalism.

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