National days on
Our favorite national days on
See what else is going onNational Sticky Bun Day
Imagine sinking your teeth into gooey, caramelized goodness atop a swirl of dough—these delightful pastries are a sweet indulgence worth savoring.
International Mother Language Day
The celebration of linguistic heritage honors the resilience and cultural richness of a nation's language, paying homage to a profound identity and promoting unity.
How to celebrate Feb 21st
Wake up on the right side of the bed, practice your heritage by speaking your mother language aloud, and kickstart your day with a warm, Grain Free Sticky Bun. Show appreciation for caregivers around the world with a heartfelt thank-you message. Take a moment to delve into the world of card reading, exploring the wisdom and guidance it may offer. Celebrate the Yukon heritage by embracing the outdoor activities it offers, such as hiking or camping.
Round off the day by organizing a small gathering with your loved ones, reminiscing about the traditions and values that bring you together. Share stories and anecdotes, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and appreciation for each other. Engage in a friendly card game, letting the cards reveal moments of fun and laughter.
As the day winds down, take a moment of care for yourself – indulge in a cozy sticky bun, savoring the flavors and textures that make it special. Reflect on the day’s festivities, appreciating the blend of heritage, language, caregiving, and wisdom that have made it truly memorable.
It's also…
Real Bread Week
Real bread is a joy to behold! Made with natural ingredients and baked to perfection, each bite is a heavenly experience.
Cancer Prevention Action Week
Promoting wellness and safeguarding health through knowledge and lifestyle choices, offering protection against a formidable adversary.
National Engineers Week
With a mind full of creativity and a tool kit full of gadgets — from bridges to phones — engineers are the ultimate problem solvers!
National Nest Box Week
If you want to invite more birds to your yard, consider putting up some cozy little homes for these feathered friends!
National Condom Week
Staying safe and responsible, these essential items help ensure intimate moments are worry-free and protected for all involved.
Take Your Family to School Week
Raising a genius is not necessary, but being actively interested in your child's education goes a long way.
Famous people born on this date
is part of…
See everything inInternational Vegan Cuisine Month
Indulge in flavorful plant-based dishes with vibrant colors and rich textures. Discover how delicious and nutritious a meat-free diet can be.
American Heart Month
Nurturing the vital organ that sustains our existence, ensuring its enduring strength and well-being for a long and fulfilling life.
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Raising awareness about healthy relationships among adolescents, promoting safety and respect to prevent teen dating violence.
National Snack Food Month
Savor the satisfying crunch and diverse flavors of bite-sized delights that elevate moments without overwhelming the senses.
National Children’s Dental Health Month
Maintaining those young smiles, preventing cavities, and fostering lifelong oral wellness, a crucial aspect of overall child development.
Canned Food Month
Unlock the convenience of preserved edibles, offering sustenance that endures with practicality and a myriad of flavors.
National Women Inventors Month
Trailblazing women defy conventions, shaping innovations that redefine possibilities, steering the course of progress with brilliance.
National Embroidery Month
Transforming fabric with intricate needlework, weaving stories and emotions through the delicate artistry of embroidery craftsmanship.
National Grapefruit Month
This tangy citrus, known for its signature bittersweet flavor, offers a refreshing burst of zest in every juicy, sun-kissed bite.
Low Vision Awareness Month
Advancing understanding of visual impairment fosters empathy and solutions, enhancing quality of life and inclusivity for individuals with diminished sight.
National Fasting February
Unlock the power of your metabolism! This popular practice can boost your immune system, aid in weight loss, and improve your overall health.
Great American Pie Month
Crafted with love and cherished at gatherings, these baked delights embody the heartwarming essence of homemade, culinary tradition.
National Cherry Month
Those little, juicy, red delights, perfect for snacking, pies, or topping off a favorite dessert, adding a burst of fruity joy.
National Bake For Family Fun Month
Gathering the clan, mixing, laughing, and creating sweet memories with flour, sugar, and a dash of love, right in your kitchen.
National Bird Feeding Month
Sharing nature's abundance with feathered friends as temperatures drop, creating a small oasis of warmth amidst winter's chill.
National Hot Breakfast Month
Those hearty morning feasts that kickstart your day with crispy, savory delights and the satisfying sizzle of a fresh start.
National Library Lover’s Month
Celebrate the magic of bound adventures, where every book is a portal to new worlds, knowledge, and uncharted journeys.
Harley Quinn Month
A captivating character with a penchant for chaos and vibrant aesthetics, adding a colorful twist to the world of Batman and the Joker.