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Let’s face it, most people can be found guilty of holding on to many different things from the past that tend to hurt, annoy, confuse or anger them. What may matter the most is how long people tend to hold onto them, or how equipped they are to let them go.

For some it can be difficult to get rid of negative feelings and, over time, the feelings may grow and turn into a problem as they create bitterness. That’s why it’s time to make life a little lighter and participate in a slightly newer holiday – National Get Over It Day!

This is a day for doing exactly what it says: getting over what is holding people back.

History of National Get Over It Day

This day was created out of the need that most people have to let go of hurt and pain, especially as it relates to a breakup of a romantic relationship. Jeff Goldblatt is the one who created this holiday, and it was inspired by a time when he was struggling to get over the hurt from an ex-girlfriend. He knew that he just needed to get over her, but it was super difficult.

With the motivation to help himself, and others he knew who were facing similar struggles, the day began and then took off. Strategically spaced between a holiday devoted to love (St. Valentine’s Day), and one all about fun and joking around (April Fool’s Day), this is the perfect time to try to find inner healing and move forward with all of the promising things that the future has to offer.

Now, for more than a decade, people have been celebrating National Get Over It Day in a variety of ways that help them to overcome what has been holding them back.

How to Celebrate National Get Over It Day

The list of ways to celebrate National Get Over It Day could be almost endless! It is all about finding the things within that are difficult, and letting them go. Sounds easy, but for some, it requires a little bit more motivation and support. And this day is all about that.

Whether light-heartedly fun or fairly serious, look into these ways of celebrating this momentous day in an effort to find freedom from the past:

Process Through the Struggles

One method many people have found helpful in trying to “get over it” is to write down all the things that are irritating, annoying or keeping them awake into the wee hours of the morning. When the list is finished, take some time to contemplate and examine each item on the list and ask if there might be creative ways to change it. Then, try to implement these changes into life by creating new habits and looking for new things to focus on.

If these things absolutely cannot be changed, it’s time to let them go! Some people find it helpful to make a pledge to themselves to not spend any more energy and time on it. To help even more with the idea of letting items on the list go, the paper can be ripped up and thrown away (or even burned!) to represent the intent to move forward.

Create a ‘Get Over It’ Playlist

Romantic breakups can be especially difficult as they often come with a number of different songs, albums or musicians that are dreadful reminders of “the ex”. Starting anew means creating a new list of songs that act as reminders of this new season of purpose in life. Throw songs like these onto a Spotify playlist (or an old-fashioned mixtape for the more mature generations!):

  • Gonna Get Over You (2011) by Sara Bareilles
  • Get Over It (2002) by OK Go
  • Tonight I’m Getting Over You (2013) by Carly Rae Jepsen
  • Get Over It (2009) by Care Bears on Fire
  • Over You (2007) by Daughtry
  • Over It (2007) by Katharine McPhee
  • I’ll Get Over You (King of Wishful Thinking) (1990) by Go West

Re-establish Other Relationships

Another meaningful way that some people might choose to celebrate the day is to reach out to the people they may have withdrawn from during a relationship. Letting them into the inner world again may be cathartic. Some people may even find that they don’t have time to focus on negative things because they are making new, happier memories. It’s not always easy to embrace change, but those who really want to let things go will do so with purpose and effort!

Enjoy a “Me” Day

Perhaps the things some people have been holding onto have caused them to be extremely stressed out. A great idea is to use this day to do a bit of pampering and self-care. Head to the spa for a massage! Let the worries just melt away.

Or, a different idea along the same thread, heading back to the gym can get the body (and mind) back on the right track as well. It is proven that when people work out, their body releases chemicals that lift the mood! How great is that? And for those who are not exactly gym people, even just a nice brisk walk would have a similar effect.

Have a Clear Out

Getting over it sometimes means getting rid of it! If it’s hard to get over a relationship because memories abound, go ahead and chuck that stuff that acts as a reminder. Grab a cardboard box and start sorting with abandon. (It might require the help of a friend to really extract all of the associated items.)

A local charity will certainly be happy to receive that antique cookie jar bought together at the flea market or the blanket the ex crocheted for a birthday gift. It might hurt a bit while it’s happening, but in the end it will be better and provide new freedoms.

The point of the day is that there are choices that each individual can make. So, however this applies to each person’s individual life, they can choose to just Get Over It and start moving forward!

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