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Peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, bacon and eggs, cats and…boxes? That’s right! Most cat owners will admit that their cats enjoy a cardboard box even more than they like the fancy bed bought for them from the pet store. So why isn’t there a day to celebrate these oh-so-average, yet delightful boxes? But there is! 

It’s time for International Box Day!

History of International Box Day

To some humans, a beige cardboard box might just look like a container that is used for shipping things. But, to cat lovers, a cardboard box is so much more than that! International Box Day is here to show appreciation and pay honor to this seemingly average but delightful space where cats just love to hang out.

International Box Day got its start by cat lovers who realized that these little felines are drawn to boxes that offer a feeling of safety and protection. In fact, researchers have found that cats who have boxes are better able to adapt to a new environment, offering them protection, the preferred temperature and their own kind of personal space.

How to Celebrate International Box Day

Cat owners can show how much they care for their cats by celebrating International Box Day with some of these ideas:

Source a Box for Kitty

The first order of business for celebrating International Box Day is to get into that closet, storage cupboard or basement and scare up a cardboard box for that little kitty to enjoy. Leave a few of these boxes around and let kitty use them as hiding spaces to help them feel safe and secure.

Watch Some Funny Cat Videos

Cats are remarkable creatures and many of them have had a long relationship with cardboard boxes. Perhaps it would be fun to celebrate International Box Day by checking out some online videos of cats. They can make people laugh. They can make people cry. And they’ll especially give those cat lovers all the feels. Don’t forget to share some cat videos with friends, just for fun and giggles to raise awareness for the day!

Adopt a Cat

Not sure what all of the hype is about on International Box Day? Well, one good way to find out might be to consider adopting a cat and bringing it home. Shelters are often full of kittens and cats that are looking for a forever family, and perhaps this is just the day to get one. But don’t forget to make sure there are plenty of cardboard boxes around in celebration of the day!

Remember Some Classic Cartoon Cats

Why is it that cats make such interesting cartoon characters? Who knows, really, but it’s certainly true. Get nostalgic for International Box Day and find some fun cartoon shorts and videos of these iconic cool cats:

  • Tom Cat. Arch nemesis of the mouse, Jerry, some believe they are friends and only pretend to hate each other.
  • Sylvester. One of Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird’s friends.
  • Garfield. This comic strip character is famous for hating Mondays.

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