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Our favorite national days on
See what else is going onShare a Hug Day
Give a big hug to the people in your life you care about, and don’t be afraid to ask others for a hug if you feel like you need one yourself.
National Cheesecake Day
Berry, chocolate, just plain cheesecake…whatever your favorite, try making it yourself or visit a bakery or restaurant to enjoy this sweet, cheesy treat.
National Chili Dog Day
Gather your friends around a big buffet of chili dog ingredients, and try making your very own chili to make sure you get the perfect dog for your tastebuds.
National Intern Day
Give some recognition and thanks to the hard-working, often unpaid or severely underpaid interns who sacrifice their free time for learning experiences.
It's also…
Paperback Book Day
Curl up with your favorite paperback, or dive into a new world between those soft, portable pages and take some time away from the hectic real world.
National Whistleblower Day
Have you ever heard of brave individuals who stood up against injustice? Their acts of courage and honesty have changed the world.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Shedding light on a hidden crisis, modern-day slavery's fight calls for collective compassion and relentless activism.
National Father-in-Law Day
Strengthen your relationship with your father-in-law and get to know him a little better, which might in turn strengthen your relationship with your spouse.
International Day of Friendship
Plan a fun day with friends, or reach out to old friends to reconnect via phone call, text, video chat or even a nice hand-written letter to let them know you still care.
Big Butterfly Count
Monitoring environmental vitality by tallying butterflies, a simple yet profound method revealing the delicate balance within ecosystems.
Famous people born on this date
is part of…
See everything inNational Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Bone up on cell phone etiquette and do your part to make our society less annoying. Keep your volume down, don’t use speakerphone in public, and be self-aware.
Independent Retailer Month
Embrace the vibrant community spirit and make a positive impact by supporting local shops and businesses. It's a win-win for everyone, fostering growth and creating a thriving neighborhood.
National Picnic Month
Get a basket, a big blanket, and a selection of portable foods like fruit, salad, sausage and sandwiches and enjoy a tasty, relaxing outdoor picnic.
National Horseradish Month
Make a point to try out all sorts of new recipes during Horseradish Month by making use of this flavorful, zingy ingredient in everything from salads to cocktails.
National Ice Cream Month
Cool down from the summer heat by indulging in the sweet, creamy treat we all scream for. Pair it with pie or brownies, top it on a cone, or just have a bowl.
National Culinary Arts Month
Mastery of flavors and techniques, culinary arts blend creativity and skill to craft exquisite gastronomic experiences for all.
National Hemp Month
Harnessing the versatile properties of a sustainable plant to create eco-friendly products for various industries and applications.
National Powersports Month
Thrill in the exhilarating rush of off-road adventures, where adrenaline meets rugged terrain for ultimate excitement.
Plastic Free July
Make a point to avoid creating plastic waste, and substitute reusable, environmentally-friendly items like metal straws and water bottles or paper bags.
Bank Account Bonus Month
Many banks offer bonuses for opening a new account, so do some research and see if you can get some cash just for opening up a bank account somewhere new.
Sarcoma Awareness Month
Educate yourself and spread awareness about the risk factors, warning signs, and symptoms of the rare but potentially deadly forms of cancer known as sarcomas.
World Watercolor Month
Head to your local art supply store, get some watercolors and a good canvas, and get your creative juices flowing. Draw a landscape, or express yourself abstractly.