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Legal Assistants Day aims to honor the work that legal assistants do in the background, making it possible for attorneys to handle and resolve their legal needs!

Show Appreciation

Those who work in the legal field or know a person who does can celebrate Legal Assistants Day by showing appreciation to those who do this job that is often without much glory! Say thank you with a small gift, card, flowers or some other form of appreciation.

Legal offices or other businesses that employ legal assistants might want to host a special lunch gathering, buy drinks after work or host some other event to say a special thanks to those who do this type of work.

Or, those who work as legal assistants throughout a city might want to host their own party to celebrate themselves and this important industry in which they work!

If you’re in need of legal help yourself, then head on into your local office today and get started with working on resolving your legal matters.

Maybe even take the time to thank a legal assistant who is helping on your case by writing a card or

Share this day with your friends and family on social media using the hashtag and let them know this day is all about appreciating the legal assistants that help make the legal world go ’round!

Legal Assistants Day has roots that go back to the general idea of what it means to get help from an attorney’s office. Where did this work really begin to spring up in society? Legal aid in the United States can be traced back to the 1870s when the first legal assistance program was founded in New York.

However, it would only take a century later for the federal government in the United States to incorporate that system into their structure. The creation of the Office of Economic Opportunity’s Legal Services first developed in 1965, helping establish the independent Legal Service Corporation.

Following that development, over 260 legal services were established in all 50 states, aiding in legal matters for over 10,000 poor people.

During the 1980s, the time of legal services experienced huge growth in popularity, but it wasn’t until the 2000s that the structure has to consolidate for the economic crash, which developed community legal aid in its stead.

Legal assistants themselves came on the scene in the mid-20th century. Likely beginning their work as secretaries in legal offices, these assistants began taking on more responsiblity and getting training to function as paralegals.

As the need for assistants with legal training grew, the practice was endorsed by the American Bar Association in the late 1960s.

National Legal Assistants Day is a time to appreciate those who work hours on end towards resolving legal matters by taking the time to understand the law and use it to help those in need!

Note: While legal assistants and paralegal often do some overlapping tasks, the paralegal role typically requires more training and may offer larger compensation packages. National Paralegal Day is celebrated in late October.

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