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When older folks who need a little help move into an assisted living facility, it can sometimes feel isolating.

National Assisted Living Week is here to bring attention to the ways that communities can live in a more multi-generational manner, and honor those in all phases of life while promoting unity and well-being!

History of National Assisted Living Week

The roots of this event can be traced back three decades to 1995 when it was founded by the National Center for Assisted Living (NACL).

The idea behind this week was for assisted living and elder care communities around the nation to pay special attention to their residents, hosting special events, offering unique activities and focusing on making their experience better.

In addition, National Assisted Living Week is meant to honor those who work at and volunteer with such facilities and communities.

Each year, the organizers of National Assisted Living Week offer a theme to help people celebrate with more of a focused purpose and relevance. Some of the themes in recent years have included:

  • Inspiring Generations (2024)
  • Season of Reflection (2023)
  • Joyful Moments (2022)
  • Compassion, Community and Caring (2021)

How to Celebrate National Assisted Living Week

Get on board with National Assisted Living Week by getting creative with events, activities and pathways toward celebration! Check out some of these plans and ideas to begin with:

Volunteer at an Assisted Living Facility

An excellent way to honor the purpose behind National Assisted Living Week might be to sign up to volunteer at a local one.

From teaching art lessons to hosting musical events, from reading to those with vision troubles to encouraging physical activity like stretching and chair yoga, there is so much that can be done to make the world a better place through volunteering!

Connect with the Local Community

Many assisted living facilities function in a rather separate and isolated way from their local communities. National Assisted Living Week is a great time for managers and staff to consider ways that they can become more connected with the area that surrounds them.

Host community open house events or arrange for “Storytelling Time” where older folks share their memories from the past, then invite local schools or children’s groups to visit with the purpose and crossing generations.

Host Wellness Workshops

Invite those who are residents in assisted living, their families and friends, as well as the staff members to participate in wellness workshops where they can learn more about healthy living.

From lectures with pro tips about mental health to meditation techniques from spiritual guides, from talks on beneficial nutrition to exercise opportunities, there are myriad of ways to get everyone involved in wellness activities in celebration of National Assisted Living Week.

Get Outside for Assisted Living Week!

People who need assisted living still need the health benefits of sunshine and feeling the breeze in their faces.

Since it takes place in September, this is often a great time in the weather for people to get outside on a field trip to soak up a bit of nature.

Arrange for the residents to take a walk in the park, visit a nature sanctuary, or do some other activity that allows them to breathe in the fresh air!

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