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One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, go to the gym and get fit; though many of these aspirations fall a little short! As such, January is often one of the busiest periods for personal trainers!

National Personal Trainer Awareness Day aims to highlight not only how busy trainers are during January, but also to highlight how much more chance you can have of sticking to your exercise and weight loss routines if you retain a personal trainer, and show some love and appreciation to all the personal trainers out there that have helped us change our lives for the better and make resolutions reality!

How to Celebrate National Personal Trainer Awareness Day

Appreciate a Personal Trainer

Take the chance National Personal Trainer Awareness Day offers you to show your appreciation to your personal trainer for all he or she has helped you achieve over the months or even years that you’ve been working together.

If you’ve lost some weight under the instruction of your personal trainer, or have managed to regain your pre-pregnancy look or the form you had before an injury, tell your him or her about it! It will only take a minute or two, but saying something like that is sure to make his or her day! A personal trainer’s goal is to help you, so we should let them know they’ve done just that!

Take Personal Training Seriously

If you have a workout on that day, be sure to try extra hard to show your personal trainer how seriously you take his or her advice; you may not see it this way, but when you slack off it may well demotivate your personal trainer and make him or her feel like all of his or her planning and advice is being disregarded.

You should also take a moment or two at the end of the training session to say a nice thing or two about how well your personal trainer does his or her job, and how much he or she has been able to positively impact your life with his or her instruction.

Learn More About Personal Trainers

One thing that you can do to show your appreciation for the personal trainers of this world is to discover more about their job and the effort that they put in. Personal trainers either work for gyms or they are self-employed.

Early starts are part of the norm, especially those who are based at gyms, as they open their doors at around 6 am. The hours can be unsociable and personal trainers need to dedicate a lot of time to career development and marketing their services as well. After all, this is a competitive industry and so it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Once you delve deeper into a day in the life of a personal trainer, we are sure you will have a much greater appreciation for all of the work they do.

Personal trainers are of then the unsung heroes of the fitness world. Be sure to show your personal trainer how happy you are to have the opportunity to work with them this National Personal Trainer Awareness Day!

Learn About National Personal Trainers

It is of no coincidence that National Personal Trainer Awareness Day falls at the start of the year. After all, a lot of people declare that their New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or get fit. Over the festive period, we tend to over-indulge, and so January is the month whereby we try to get back in shape again.

Personal trainers play a pivotal role in this, as they help us to achieve our health and fitness goals in a safe manner. They also keep us motivated and they make sure that the workouts we do are right for our objectives.

There are so many benefits that are associated with hiring a personal trainer, and so it is only right that we thank these men and women for having such a positive influence on our lives. Whether you see your personal trainer several times per week or once a month for a catch-up, they can help to ensure you are on the right path by monitoring your progress and putting together a personalized plan that is suited to your needs.

Personal trainers also help add variety to our exercise regime, challenge us to do better, educate us on exercising the right way to reduce injuries, and hold us accountable when we’re slacking.

Personal training has also developed considerably over the years, and those in the industry have had to overcome a number of challenges. The recent Internet boom is a prime example of this. The rise of the Internet has caused personal trainers to completely rethink the way they provide their service. You can get online personal trainers now, meaning you do not even have to meet up in person. However, a lot of people still prefer one-on-one training sessions.

Personal trainers manage their clients online nowadays too, arranging catch-up calls and using online management systems. They also regularly post workout videos online for their followers and members to follow. A lot of people would agree that they get more value from their personal trainer today than they would have a decade ago. Accessibility and extra services are better than they ever have been.

History of National Personal Trainer Awareness Day

At the beginning of the 2000s, two fitness professionals named Jim Labadie and Joey Atlas took a look at the surge of people signing up to the gym in hopes of fulfilling their New Year’s Resolutions of losing those few pounds, and then they looked at the personal trainers, whose lives become completely swamped with work at that time, and they decided it was time to say thank you.

National Personal Trainer Awareness Day was born out of what the pair deemed necessary in order to say thanks to all of the personal trainers of the world whose lives are turned nearly upside down at the beginning of January every year in order to help the rest of us reach our fitness goals.

When you are exercising with a personal trainer, Labadie and Atlas said, it may indeed seem to you like you’re the one doing all the work, but it takes plenty of planning, analyzing and consideration on the part of the personal trainer to make sure your hard work amounts to something in the end. National Personal Trainer Awareness Day is the day to say thank you!

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