National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day
Navigating the maze of food choices, they're the go-to guides for healthier living, sharing insights and crafting personalized paths to wellness.
There are wonderful people who make it their life’s work to learn about nutrition and how what we eat affects our bodies. They are in hospitals, doctor’s offices and anywhere that people are looking at how to get and stay healthy.
A day has been set aside to honor them. National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day is a great time to recognize the job they do, the part they have in helping us stay healthy, and highlight the messages that they are offering to our community as a whole.
How to Celebrate National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day
Thank a Dietitian
Do you know someone who is a Registered Dietitian? Are they after you to make better food choices? Try to make those right choices and show them off! Let that person know that you are really trying and that you appreciate the guidance that has been offered so that you can be healthier!
Develop Better Eating Habits
It is even possible that you will get into a habit and make a more permanent change. If you are like many of those today who could stand to be healthier when it comes to food, you can celebrate National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day by making a commitment to a new routine.
Make a diet and activity plan and keep a log of the progress you make in both areas. Then the next time you need to visit your Dietitian you can show how you have taken the advice and applied it. There is sure to be a surprise on both sides at the result!
Share About Healthy Diets
It is also important to hear the messages that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Registered Dietitians are trying to convey. Each community has different needs, but the common thread is to get active and reach for fruits and vegetables more!
Meet with a Dietitian
Make an appointment to talk to a Registered Dietitian and find out what your unique plan is. It’s time to take the first step and get excited about making changes for you and your family that will keep everyone growing strong, healthy and happy!
History of National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day
National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day was created in 2008 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Academy choose the day to increase awareness of these professionals who work in nutrition and food services and their commitment to helping people to lead happy and healthy lives.
In today’s fast-paced world, it is common to make easy choices when it comes to food. These professionals take the time and effort to remind us that a little effort with healthy choices can mean a longer life!
It is the role of Dietitians to not only help on an individual level but on a community and national level as well. Nutrition is a science that can be difficult to understand.
A Registered Dietitian can break the science down into language that makes sense and helps hospitals, schools, community centers, nursing homes and more to plan proper meals for those that they serve. The day is set aside to acknowledge their work, but also to bring awareness to their messages.
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