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After a lifetime of working, raising families, and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways, senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity.

Charlie Gonzalez

We are fortunate to live in a time when so many of our elderly are living lives of unexpected health and financial security, but such was not always the case. Throughout history old age was not something an individual expected to reach, and so we lost the wisdom and experience of these individuals at an early age. Senior Citizen Day celebrates the fact that these keepers of wisdom are staying with us longer each year, and in better health.

Learn about Senior Citizen Day

You have probably been told many times before that you need to respect your elders. In fact, this is a phrase that most children hear throughout their lives! Well, Senior Citizen Day is all about respecting your elders. It is about honoring those people who have been on this earth longer than we have. Getting old is not easy. You have been independent your whole life, and then you feel this being stripped away from you. It can be very difficult to deal with, and that is why we all need to make sure that we are there for our grandparents and older people in general. That’s what this day celebrates, and it’s special to be a part of it.

After all, seniors bring so much to the world! They offer their experience, their wisdom, and their knowledge. Our elderly friends and family have a lifetime’s worth of incredible experiences and tales to share with us. For centuries, cultures across the globe have looked to older people in the communities in order to provide them with knowledge and wisdom. In times of trouble or when we need some advice and direction, we can always rely on older people to impart their great wisdom on us.

However, while our grandparents have us to turn to and rely on to keep those smiles on their faces, it is important to recognize that there are a lot of seniors who are incredibly lonely. This is why it is important to pay tribute to all seniors on this day. There are a lot of charities out there that are designed to help combat loneliness in older people, so why not give them some of your time?

History of Senior Citizen Day

Let’s discuss life expectancy throughout the ages, starting in the Late Middle Ages. During this time period those who were at the top of the social strata had a life expectancy of 30 years old, 30 years! Could you imagine graduating High School only to have less time remaining on this Earth than you spent in school? That’s how far things have come since those days of old. Even in the 1900’s the age had only increased to 31, but that’s when things really started getting incredible.

You see, as medical technology advanced, which it has been doing exponentially in the last 100 years, so did life expectancy advance with it. In the 1950’s we saw an average life expectancy of 48 the world over, and then in 2014 it had expanded to 71.5 years, more than double the life expectancy of our medieval counterparts! In fact, in Monaco you find the longest life expectancy of the world, 89.52 years!

This means that we have more and more people living to a ripe old age and able to share their wisdom, stories, and experience with several generations.

So, what about the history of this date? Well, World Senior Ciitzen’s Day first occurred in 1988. It was founded by Ronald Reagan officially; the former president of the United States of America. The promulgation of 5847 was signed on the 19th of August in 1988. He announced it saying the following:

For all that, they have achieved throughout their lives and for all that they continue to do, we owe our gratitude and sincere greetings to our senior citizens. We can show our gratitude and appreciation better by making sure our communities are good places. Age and maturity, places where older people can participate as much as possible and find the encouragement, acceptance, support and services they need to continue living a life of independence and dignity.

President Ronald Reagan

How to celebrate Senior Citizen Day

There are organizations that help to support those senior citizens who are living on their own, and they accept volunteers to work with them and help out the aging community. You can also stop by local adult care homes to visit those who may have seen their friends and family pass before them. If you have grandparents or other elderly still alive in your family, celebrate Senior Citizen Day by stopping by and telling the how much you appreciate them. Sitting down and listening to the stories they have to tell can give you a unique perspective on the world and yourself.

This is also the perfect day for you to reach out to one of your senior family members. Whether it is a grandparent, uncle, aunt, or parent, you should give them a call and arrange to spend some time together. You could catch a movie together or enjoy afternoon tea. If they are not able to get out and about, why not bring the film and the afternoon tea to them? After all, what could be better than some tasty cakes and a catch up?

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