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I didn’t invent the rainy day. I just own the best umbrella.

Jimmy Fallon

Everyone is familiar with the sight of an umbrella, they’re present whether you live in the hottest of climates or the coldest.

They’re there to keep the rain off on a blustery day, and there to protect you from sunburn on a warm and sunny one, there’s simply no day that isn’t a perfect National Umbrella Day!

So, of course, there’s a day to honor this ever useful, ever-fashionable, and essential piece of travel gear.

How to Celebrate National Umbrella Day

Learn a New Word for ‘Umbrella’

First, learn this word “scath fearthainne” (you may have to do a little looking to find the pronunciation, it’s Gaelic), it is by far one of the most beautiful words the world over for an umbrella. It means, appropriately enough, rain shadow.

Other fun words for this accessory include “brolly” (British-English slang), “ombrello” (Italian) and “parapluie” (French).

Get a New Umbrella

Those who have lost a favorite umbrella or found it with holes may want to go out on National Umbrella Day and find an umbrella (or three!) that suits their tastes and styles. Perhaps choose one that is strictly for use in the sun!

If you already own an umbrella, consider buying a backup. After all, you never know when you may need one. Umbrellas can easily break when there are strong winds. We are sure some of you reading this know what we’re talking about.

There’s nothing worse than a gust of wind taking your umbrella and essentially turning it inside out. You feel the stares on you while you desperately try to rectify the situation! It can be pretty embarrassing, right? That’s why we always recommend going for a quality umbrella.

Nevertheless, as umbrellas are designed to be flexible and foldable, a strong gust of wind always has the potential to cause damage.

Enjoy a Drink Umbrella

Even if it’s not raining, another way to celebrate National Umbrella Day is to enjoy a delicious cocktail with one of those cute umbrella decorations.

Why not bring the vacation feeling to your home on National Umbrella Day with a cute-looking cocktail?

Watch Movies Featuring Umbrellas

You can also spend National Umbrella Day watching a film that features an umbrella. There are a lot of different options for you to choose from.

Of course, the most famous has to be Mary Poppins. But how about Singin’ in the Rain? That’s another great film that we would definitely recommend watching on this date. We’re sure most of you would prefer watching a film than actually going out in the rain on this day.

Sing Songs About Umbrellas

Have you been singing “You can stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh” in your head?

While National Umbrella Day is not an ode to the Rihanna song, but rather the creation itself, there is nothing stopping you from dancing in the rain and recreating the moves from the music video!

Learn About National Umbrella Day

The umbrella is certainly an invention that is definitely worth celebrating! When the rain starts to pour, an umbrella stops us from getting wet and keeps our hair in an acceptable condition. It is a simple invention, but one that we have all relied on from time-to-time.

Of course, there are also umbrellas that help to shield us from the sun as well. When at the beach, an umbrella can be the difference between having a pleasant, comfortable experience and going home looking like a lobster! So, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to this clever creation.

You may think that the humble umbrella has come as far as it possibly can! Well, you would be wrong! We have seen some pretty crazy umbrella innovations happening out there. Why not do a little bit of digging online?

We are sure you will come across some weird and wonderful umbrella inventions that people have made. We’re sure you have seen those umbrella hats, which gained a bit of traction as novelty items! However, there are plenty of others out there as well.

History of National Umbrella Day

National Umbrella Day celebrates this useful device that has been with us for quite a long time and has served every purpose from practical to fanciful since its creation. Just how long has the umbrella been with us? Long enough that it’s permeated every culture across the globe, and originated from more than one.

The oldest recorded umbrella appeared in 21 AD, in Ancient China. Though to be fair, this really was just the first recorded collapsible umbrella, Qin Shihuang’s tomb revealed a terracotta army carriage that had a permanently open umbrella attached to it dating from 210 BC.

They were also found in Nineveh, Persepolis, Ancient Egypt, and Greece, just to name a few. Needless to say, the umbrella has a long and noble history.

The popularity of the umbrella extended beyond its usefulness for protecting us from sun and rain, special efforts were made to turn these simple devices into exquisite works of art, some of them even being made of lace or lavishly decorated paper, and were carried by the most influential and beautiful people in the world.

Today has revealed even more styles that are available in the world, including an innovation on the already innovative collapsible umbrella. Now they have telescoping ones that don’t just collapse the shade, but then collapse the handle so it can fit in your purse or car door! Isn’t that amazing?

Celebrated since at least 2004, National Umbrella Day was established to celebrate this important protective accessory. And, of course, it takes place during a time of year, in preparation for Spring, when one might begin to need a good umbrella!

National Umbrella Day FAQs

How did umbrellas transition from symbols of status to everyday items?

In ancient Egypt and China, umbrellas signified wealth and power, reserved for royalty and the elite.

Over time, their practical benefits led to widespread use among the general populace. By the 18th century, umbrellas became common accessories for both men and women, shedding their exclusive status.

What are some unique umbrella-related festivals around the world?

In Thailand, the annual Bo Sang Umbrella Festival celebrates traditional hand-painted umbrellas with parades and cultural performances.

Portugal’s Águeda hosts the Umbrella Sky Project, where colorful umbrellas are suspended over streets, creating vibrant canopies.

Are there any superstitions associated with umbrellas?

Yes, opening an umbrella indoors is considered bad luck in many cultures.

This belief dates back to ancient Egypt, where umbrellas symbolized the sun god Ra, and opening one indoors was seen as an insult to the deity.

How did the term “bumbershoot” come to mean umbrella?

“Bumbershoot” is an American slang term for umbrella, originating in the late 19th century. It’s a playful blend of “umbrella” and “parachute,” reflecting the item’s protective function.

What role did umbrellas play in historical espionage?

In 1978, Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov was assassinated in London using a modified umbrella that injected a ricin pellet into his leg, highlighting the umbrella’s unexpected use in espionage.

How have umbrellas influenced art and literature?

Umbrellas feature prominently in art and literature, symbolizing protection or mystery. Notable examples include Mary Poppins’ magical umbrella and René Magritte’s surrealist paintings.

What are some unusual umbrella designs throughout history?

In the 19th century, some umbrellas had handles that concealed perfume vials, writing materials, or even daggers, combining practicality with personal defense.

How did the folding umbrella come into existence?

In 1928, Slawa Duldig, an Austrian artist, patented a folding umbrella design inspired by the inconvenience of carrying a full-sized umbrella. Her innovation led to the compact umbrellas we use today.

Are there any records for the largest umbrella ever made?

Yes, the largest umbrella on record measures over 23 meters in diameter and was created in India in 2010, showcasing the umbrella’s cultural significance and engineering possibilities.

How have umbrellas been used in protests and social movements?

During the 2014 Hong Kong protests, demonstrators used umbrellas to shield themselves from tear gas and pepper spray, leading to the movement being dubbed the “Umbrella Revolution.”

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