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World Mosquito Day

Mosquitoes are carriers of a deadly disease that affects millions annually. Protect yourself from these tiny but dangerous insects.

National Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Raise awareness about pet obesity, and make sure that your own pets live happy, healthy, long lives by keeping their weight in check.

World Octopus Day

When it comes to smart sea creatures — with eight arms and a big brain — they can solve puzzles, camouflage, and even open jars!

International Rabbit Day®

If you have a pet rabbit, pamper them! If not, do your research and decide if these adorable little creatures could be the right fit for your home.

International Tiger Day

Help raise awareness and join the fight against threats facing the world’s largest big cat. Tigers are majestic creatures, who may face extinction if not helped.

National Pet Fire Safety Day

Keep yourself and your furry friends safe by taking stock of potential pet-caused fire hazards, and puppy, kitty, or other pet-proofing your home.

National Elephant Appreciation Day

Take a trip to the zoo or a wildlife conservatory or fire up Disney’s Dumbo and appreciate one of Earth’s largest, most interesting creatures: the elephant.

National Holistic Pet Day

Consider your pet’s health in a new way on National Holistic Pets Day, a time to consider all aspects of your pet’s health at the same time, not symptom by symptom.

International Whale Shark Day

Visit the coast or an aquarium to get a glimpse at the remarkable whale shark, or read up about how you can protect these amazing creatures from extinction.

National Iguana Awareness Day

Learn about how to properly care for, love, and treat the magnificent creatures known as iguanas, and decide if they could be the right fit for your home.

National Black Cat Appreciation Day

Honor the enigmatic felines of midnight hue, acknowledging their mystique and the profound symbolism they've carried through cultures and time.

World Honey Bee Day

These little creatures are nature's buzzworthy superstars! They're responsible for pollinating a third of our food supply and creating delicious honey.

Assistance Dog Day

Join an event like a dog walk, fundraiser, or dog show to appreciate the many tasks assistance dogs perform, from seizure detection to seeing-eye dogs and more.

Odie Day

Everyone knows Garfield, but many forget the canine companion that shared the strip: Odie. Reread some Garfield strips, and give some love to this dumb dog.

International Cat Day

Pamper your furry feline friends on International Cat Day, visit big cats at the zoo, or consider taking the plunge and adopting one of these wonderful creatures.

Shark Awareness Day

Tackle the stigma and raise awareness about the reality of sharks, which are beautiful creatures that keep the ocean ecosystem running and rarely attack humans.

National Work Like A Dog Day

Grit your teeth and spend one day Working Like a Dog to reach your goals, renew your motivation, and boost your productivity in all areas of your life.

National Garfield the Cat Day

Settle in with some coffee and lasagna as a nod to the pop culture icon Garfield, the cat who captured our hearts first as a comic strip, then in movies and more.

National Zoo Lovers Day

Gather some friends and family and appreciate the incredible animals of the world by visiting, donating to, or volunteering at your local Zoological Garden.

National Lost Dog Awareness Day

Join dog lovers around the globe on National Lost Dog Day, who come together to help those poor souls who are tragically separated from their furry friends.

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World Suicide Prevention Day

Learn about the warning signs for suicide and help spread awareness so that those who are struggling can get the help they need on World Suicide Prevention Day.

International Country Music Day

Kick up your heels and get ready to sing along to the sounds of the heartland. Catchy lyrics and twangy guitars await!

World Bollywood Day

The vibrant, colorful world of Indian cinema is full of captivating music, dance, and drama that will transport you to another world.

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