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National Help A Horse Day

On of mankind’s closest companions, horses require lots of gentle, loving care to thrive, which is why horse lovers take part in National Help a Horse Day.

National Go Birding Day

Grab some binoculars and visit a local wildlife reserve, or try hanging up a bird feeder to entice them into your own backyard on National Go Birding Day.

National Bird Feeding Month

Sharing nature's abundance with feathered friends as temperatures drop, creating a small oasis of warmth amidst winter's chill.

National Poultry Day

Exploring the lively world of backyard flocks, where clucks and curious antics turn a simple coop into a feathered adventure.

Buzzards Day

Gracefully soaring high above, this majestic bird is a master of the skies, captivating observers with its effortless flight and keen eyesight.

National Horse Protection Day

Giving a second chance to majestic creatures that were once overlooked and neglected is both rewarding and inspiring.

What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

Ever wondered if our furry pals could handle doorknobs? Paws in deep thought, they might just outsmart us yet.

National Walking the Dog Day

Take your furry friend on a leisurely stroll and explore the outdoors together. Bond, get exercise, and breathe in the fresh air!

National Cat Day

Furry, playful and independent, these lovable pets never fail to entertain. They can be your nap buddy, playmate, or cuddle partner.

National Puppy Day

These furry friends wiggle their tails, give slobbery kisses, and play fetch until they drop. Who could resist?

International Vulture Awareness Day

Due to their scavenger nature, many misunderstand the wonderful and important birds known as vultures, many species of which are threatened or endangered.

Penguin Awareness Day

Learn about these birds through documentaries, get up close and personal at your local zoo or donate to conservation charities working to protect them.

World Lion Day

Visit a wildlife preserve, watch a nature documentary, or simply read up online or in books to learn more about one of nature’s most majestic creature, the lion.

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

From chickens to penguins to sparrows, from pens to pencils to watercolors, you have plenty of artistic options on Draw a Picture of a Bird Day.

National Squirrel Appreciation Day

With their bushy tails and quick movements, these little creatures are a joy to watch as they scamper through the trees and hunt for nuts.

World Hippo Day

These adorable creatures spend their days splashing in the water, munching on grass, and wowing us with their powerful jaws!

World Farm Animals Day

Created in memory of Gandhi, who advocated respecting all animals, National Farm Animal Day is about the crucial and often mistreated farm creatures.

National Checkers Day

Nixon used his dog Checkers to bolster his public image amidst accusations of donation scandal. But maybe it’s better to celebrate with a simple game of checkers.

National Caviar Day

Caviar can be expensive, but for one day indulge in the delicacy. Varieties from some fish are cheaper than others, so shop around and try it out.

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U.S. Air Force Day

A symbol of dedication and strength, this aerial defense team safeguards the skies, enabling freedom and security for the nation.

National Daughter Day

From tea parties to movie nights, their laughter is infectious, and their love is boundless. Daughters are life's little blessings.

National Name Your Car Day

You can’t truly love your car until you give it a name. Consider your car’s quirks and personality and come up with a fitting name, or try a Car Name Generator.

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