Freethinkers Day
Exploring ideas with open minds, embracing the art of independent thought and challenging norms, paving the way for unique perspectives.
International Skeptics Day
Question everything - it's the compass that guides us through a world brimming with information, helping us navigate the sea of ideas.
National Be Kind To Food Servers Month
Show some good old-fashioned manners, spread a little extra sunshine, and watch their faces light up. It's contagious!
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
Breaking free from negativity and toxic relationships means rediscovering your happiness and embracing a brighter future.
Be Bald and Be Free Day
Stop hiding under wigs, comb-overs, or toupees, and just be bald and free. Show off your shiny dome, and don’t be ashamed of your low-maintenance style.
Fight Procrastination Day
Set your alarm for earlier, make your to-do list in advance, and prepare to actually tackle some of those pesky things you’ve been procrastinating for so long.
National Common Courtesy Day
Just doing those little things, like holding the door or saying 'thank you,' can turn an ordinary day into a brighter one.
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day
Embrace the freedom of spontaneity and letting those well-intentioned plans take a back seat to life's delightful surprises.
Human Rights Day
Promoting equal dignity, this fundamental concept resonates with the core values of humanity, fostering compassion, justice, and the recognition of every person's worth.
Loosen Up Lighten Up Day
Shedding worries, embracing the carefree vibe, and letting laughter flow, it's like tossing burdens into the wind and embracing life's simplicity.
Chaos Never Dies Day
Unleash your inner spontaneous adventurer and savor every joyful second of this incredible ride called life. Embrace the now and let the good times roll!
International Lefthanders Day
Navigating life with a unique perspective, it's like being part of an exclusive club where creativity and adaptability shine.
National Upsy Daisy Day
Make a conscious effort to turn your usually grumpy mornings around by greeting the new day with warmth, hope, cheer and at least a little enthusiasm.
International No Diet Day
Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
Use Your Common Sense Day
Taking a step back and relying on good ol' logic, like deciphering a puzzle without needing a map or a compass.
Have A Bad Day Day
Sending vibes that turn frowns upside down, this playful act adds a touch of devilish humor and light-heartedness to someone's day.
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
Everyone has something special that they excel at, whether it's a knack for cooking, a love of singing, or an eye for design.
National Face Your Fears Day
Don’t let your fears hold you back. Use Face Your Fears Day to confront those things that keep you from achieving your goals, and free yourself from fear.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Bubble Bath Day
Draw a relaxing tub of foamy warmth, pamper yourself with candles, music or a good book and create your own concoction using scented oils and soaps.
National Bagel Day
Munch on this doughy, holey bread at every meal, bake your own or host a bagel party to sample a variety of delicious fillings and toppings.