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Join Hands Day

Help organize or join an event to benefit your community on Join Hands Day, a day dedicated to coming together with others to make things better.

Donate A Day’s Wages To Charity Day

It can be tough to come up with money to donate, no matter how much you want to. Find a balance and try setting aside just a day’s wages to donate to charity.

National Organ Donor Day

The selfless act of giving the gift of life can bring hope and healing to those in need. It's a remarkable legacy that transcends time and spreads compassion.

Pro Sports Wives Day

The partners of professional athletes navigate a unique world, balancing careers, family, and the whirlwind of the sports spotlight.

International Vulture Awareness Day

Due to their scavenger nature, many misunderstand the wonderful and important birds known as vultures, many species of which are threatened or endangered.

National Doodle Day

Support funding and research into epilepsy, simply by doodling and submitting your little works of art with a donation to this important cause.

World Farm Animals Day

Created in memory of Gandhi, who advocated respecting all animals, National Farm Animal Day is about the crucial and often mistreated farm creatures.

National Roof Over Your Head Day

Extending a hand and awareness to those in need, embodying compassion and warmth to mend lives touched by the trials of homelessness.

World Heart Day

Nurturing the body's lifeline, embracing vitality through mindful choices, and safeguarding the rhythm that fuels each beat of life.

International Homeless Animals Day

Donate time or money to help homeless animals around the world, from providing food to neutering or spaying to helping with rescue and adoption efforts.

World Blood Donor Day

Hospitals, clinics, and other medical institutions are always in need of more blood. Find a blood donation center near you and save a life with just one visit.

National Go Barefoot Day

Put your feet in direct contact with the Earth by going barefoot, or donate any shoes you don’t wear to those who have no choice but to go barefoot.

National Forget-Me-Not Day

Tiny blue blooms that silently honor those who served, a symbol of remembrance for the brave souls who defended our freedom.

World Rabies Day

Help educate yourself and others and raise awareness about the risk of rabies, and how to prevent this deadly and incurable disease before it takes hold.

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U.S. Air Force Day

A symbol of dedication and strength, this aerial defense team safeguards the skies, enabling freedom and security for the nation.

National Daughter Day

From tea parties to movie nights, their laughter is infectious, and their love is boundless. Daughters are life's little blessings.

National Name Your Car Day

You can’t truly love your car until you give it a name. Consider your car’s quirks and personality and come up with a fitting name, or try a Car Name Generator.

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