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Active Dog Month

Dogs need exercise and fun just as much—if not more—than their humans. Bond with your furry friends by playing, running, or exploring new places with them.


Walk Your Dog Week

Take your dog out for a long walk and give you both some exercise, or volunteer to walk shelter dogs at a rescue or humane society—maybe you’ll take one home!

Happy Heart Hugs Day

Let your guard down and get mushy by telling your long-distance family and friends how much you love them with a Happy Heart Hug, for when you can’t hug them directly.

National Purebred Dog Day

Many purebred dogs offer invaluable services to mankind, from sheepherding to hunting to guarding and search-and-rescue, so give some love to purebreds.

National Check The Chip Day

Make an appointment with your veterinarian to “check the chip” that keeps your pet safe. GPS or ID chips can help return your beloved pets to you if lost.

National Sled Dog Day

High-energy, furry athletes powering through snow and ice — a testament to teamwork and nature's endurance champs.

National Holistic Pet Day

Consider your pet’s health in a new way on National Holistic Pets Day, a time to consider all aspects of your pet’s health at the same time, not symptom by symptom.

Assistance Dog Day

Join an event like a dog walk, fundraiser, or dog show to appreciate the many tasks assistance dogs perform, from seizure detection to seeing-eye dogs and more.

Odie Day

Everyone knows Garfield, but many forget the canine companion that shared the strip: Odie. Reread some Garfield strips, and give some love to this dumb dog.

National Work Like A Dog Day

Grit your teeth and spend one day Working Like a Dog to reach your goals, renew your motivation, and boost your productivity in all areas of your life.

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Whether you're training or just want to show them some love, dog biscuits are sure to get your dog's tail wagging and stomach growling.

National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day

Shower your bulldog with love and affection, meet other bulldog owners, and post pictures of your best friend to prove to everyone that Bulldogs are Beautiful.

What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day

Ever wondered if our furry pals could handle doorknobs? Paws in deep thought, they might just outsmart us yet.

National Walking the Dog Day

Take your furry friend on a leisurely stroll and explore the outdoors together. Bond, get exercise, and breathe in the fresh air!

National Puppy Day

These furry friends wiggle their tails, give slobbery kisses, and play fetch until they drop. Who could resist?

National Checkers Day

Nixon used his dog Checkers to bolster his public image amidst accusations of donation scandal. But maybe it’s better to celebrate with a simple game of checkers.

National Take Your Dog to Work Day

Take Your Dog to Work instead of leaving them home alone, and reconsider the important bond between man and his best friend, that shouldn’t end on workdays.

National Dog Day

There's nothing like the wag of a tail to brighten your day. From big to small, fluffy to sleek, dogs bring joy and love to our lives.

National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Set up a literal catwalk and treat your furry friends to some safe, comfortable fashion, organize a fun photo shoot or go all out with matching outfits.

National Golden Retriever Day

These friendly dogs are a popular breed for families and service work, known for their loyalty, love of people, and enthusiasm for life.

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World Suicide Prevention Day

Learn about the warning signs for suicide and help spread awareness so that those who are struggling can get the help they need on World Suicide Prevention Day.

International Country Music Day

Kick up your heels and get ready to sing along to the sounds of the heartland. Catchy lyrics and twangy guitars await!

World Bollywood Day

The vibrant, colorful world of Indian cinema is full of captivating music, dance, and drama that will transport you to another world.

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