Buy Nothing Day
Give yourself a day to experience the simple joys of life, and discover the thrill of finding new adventures without spending a penny.
Housing Day
Appreciating the simple comforts of a warm, safe shelter is a reminder of life's blessings and the importance of gratitude.
World Refugee Day
Educate yourself and others about the plights of refugees around the world, and foster empathy and care for those who need our help in these times.
Free Trade Day
Dig into the benefits and disadvantages of free trade, and understand what this commonly tossed around phrase would really mean to the world economy.
National Credit Education Month
Learning how to manage your finances wisely, so you can make the most of your money and build a secure future.
National Franchise Appreciation Day
Find and support local franchises to help these collaborative businesses stay afloat and offer the best wages and prices possible in our free market system.
National Get Smart About Credit Day
A poor credit score can seriously harm your life. Visit a financial advisor, get your score, and discuss small steps you can take to improve your credit.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upEntrepreneurs’ Day
The dreamers who turn their ideas into reality; the doers who turn setbacks into opportunities; the innovators who drive progress.
International Disability Day
Champion an inclusive society for people living with mental and physical disabilities by attending an event, fundraising or helping someone in need.