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Helen Keller Day

The inspiring legacy of a remarkable advocate who overcame adversity to champion disability rights and education.

Black Leaders Awareness Day

Celebrating influential figures whose leadership, vision, and achievements inspire progress and foster a more inclusive future.


Elvis Weekย 

The enduring legacy of a legendary artist whose groundbreaking music and charisma transformed popular culture forever.

Stanislav Petrov Day

Honoring and celebrating the former Soviet military officer known for his critical role in preventing nuclear war during the Cold War.

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National Compliment Your Mirror Day

Show yourself some love and support by complimenting your mirrorโ€”or the person in it, really. Affirmations can help brighten your day and change your perspective.

National Kitten Day

These furry little friends will make your heart melt. With their curious nature and soft fur, they're sure to bring joy into your life!

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