National Weed Your Garden Day
Dig in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin, and uproot those pesky weeds! You'll uncover a beautiful canvas for your green thumb to paint on. Happy gardening!
National Arbor Day
Transform bare lands into lush forests and create a greener world for future generations. Plant a tree, nourish it, and watch it grow!
National Gardening Day
Gardening is a magical escape to a world of color, scents and textures. Planting a seed and watching it grow is a reminder of life's wonders.
National Daisy Day
No matter how they are grown or what color they are, whether their stems are long or short, the daisy is a flower that brings enjoyment and pleasure to anyone and everyone.
World Naked Gardening Day
Truly get back to nature by getting your hands dirty and spending time in your garden, entirely in the nude. Don’t forget the sunscreen, or your skin may suffer.
Plant a Lemon Tree Day
Lemon trees are good for the environment, and incredibly useful. Make lemonade, salad dressing, cocktails and more. Just plant a lemon tree and reap the benefits.
National Public Gardens Day
Get outside, get some fresh air, and literally stop and smell the roses by finding a public garden to stroll through and enjoy, by yourself or with those you love.
National Gardening Exercise Day
You might not think of gardening as an alternative to the gym, but it can be a great physical exercise. Get outside, get your blood flowing, and improve your fitness.
National Seed Swap Day
Join the vibrant community of plant enthusiasts and embark on a botanical adventure, trading nature's tiny miracles and cultivating a garden filled with surprises!
National Water a Flower Day
Pamper your indoor plants and flowers, and tend to your garden or window pots to make sure all your flowers get a drink on Water a Flower Day.
National Weed Appreciation Day
Often overlooked, these hardy plants bring a touch of nature to even the most urban spaces, thriving against the odds.
National Garden Month
Spring is in the air! Explore the beauty of gardens, or get some dirt under your own nails, whether from pots by the window or a flowery expanse of your own.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Good Samaritan Day
Kind-hearted individuals shine, making a positive impact through selfless acts, emphasizing the beauty of compassion and generosity.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day
Fred Rogers, beloved host of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, taught us to be kind and empathetic, and his legacy continues to inspire and brighten the world.
International Scribble Day
With a stroke of a pen, ideas come to life through scribbling. Let your creativity flow and unleash the power of the doodle!