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Umbrella Cover Day

Take some time to consider the stories of mundane objects, such as the little slip of fabric that goes over your closed umbrella, AKA an umbrella cover.

Spreadsheet Day

Balance your budget, prepare lists, and organize every corner of your life simply by using spreadsheets, a tool used by individuals and large companies alike.

National Sunscreen Day

Sun damage can cause painful burns, wrinkles, and of course the ever-dreaded skin cancer. Use a high-SPF broad spectrum sunscreen any time you’re out in the sun.

Weights & Measures Day

Learn about the history of weights and measures in the past, as well as how we’ve come to use the various systems of measurement we use today.

Science Education Day

Learning science equips you with the tools to solve problems, understand the world around you, and make informed decisions that shape our future.

National Women’s History Month

Throughout history, women have made significant contributions to society despite facing challenges; their bravery and resilience changed the world.

National Tell A Story Day

Join a library or group for a reading, crack open a book to read to friends or family, or make up a story of your own to entertain and spend quality time together.

National Odometer Day

Be thankful for the odometer, a device that keeps track of your mileage, which in turn helps you know when and how to get your car looked at and adjusted.

Batman Day

Break out your Batman DVDs, invite friends or family, and start a marathon honoring Gotham’s defender and one of the most beloved superheroes of all time.

International Marconi Day

This 24-hour amateur radio event honors the legacy of Italian radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi, for whom its named. Join the network to get involved!

National Mother Goose Day

Nursery rhymes and fairy tales like Mother Goose have proven to help kids read, think, and be better, so tell some stories on National Mother Goose Day.

Chinese Language Day

Fire up Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or sign up for a language class to learn the world’s second most widely spoken language, which dates back as far as 1250 BCE.

International Safety Pin Day

Take inspiration from Safety Pin inventor Walter Hunt, and come up with your own clever and useful invention. Who knows, maybe it’ll be a hit like the safety pin.

Bicycle Day

Despite the name, Bicycle Day is not about pedal bikes or Queen; it’s a day to recognize the scientific and psychiatric impact of the drug known as LSD.

National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day

Slacks are out, PJs are in. Save a little time in the morning and roll into work feeling cozy and comfortable on National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day.

National Zipper Day

They’re easy to take for granted, but zippers have only really existed since 1913. Wear your favorite zip-up pants, shoes, and jackets to appreciate them.

National Library Outreach Day

Donate books or volunteer to support this charity dedicated to driving free library books around the world and improving literacy rates.

Reading Is Funny Day

By reading books of riddles, jokes, and comedy, help kids see how reading can be just as fun and funny (if not moreso) as video games, tv, or the internet.

World Book Night

Get lost in an adventure, a romance, a mystery…whatever you like. Gather a group, volunteer at an event, or just take some time to enjoy a book on World Book Night.

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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Brush up your sea-farin’ vocab and talk like a pirate for a day. Ahoy, yo-ho-ho, and avast ye matey! To port! To starboard! Bring a spring up on ‘er! Whatever that means.

World Maritime Day

Connecting markets across the world — from container ships to tankers, this vital industry keeps goods flowing and economies growing.

National No Sugar Day

Embracing a healthier lifestyle, eliminating the sneaky culprits, and savoring the sweetness of natural flavors.

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