World Cerebral Palsy Day
Join or host an event, or donate your time or money to understanding cerebral palsy and supporting research and resources for this sometimes debilitating disease.
National Intern Day
Give some recognition and thanks to the hard-working, often unpaid or severely underpaid interns who sacrifice their free time for learning experiences.
Parkinson’s Awareness Month
Learn about the effects of Parkinson’s Disease, how to help those who have it, or donate to foundations and research during Parkinson’s Awareness Month.
Month of the Military Child
Wear purple to honor the sacrifices and stress involved in being a military kid: separation, losing or fearing the loss of a parent, frequent moving, and more.
Blue Christmas
While most people are at home opening presents, emergency workers are on duty, ensuring the safety of their communities over the holidays.
National ADHD Awareness Month
Help educate yourself and others about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, an often misunderstood disorder that could affect anyone.
Teenager Workout Day
Teenagers, it’s time to get in shape. Parents of teenagers, it’s time to help your kids learn about safe, daily exercise routines that can keep them healthy.
Housekeepers Week
Housekeeping is tough and often thankless work, so make sure to give a big thank-you and even a small gift to the housekeepers who keep hotels and the like clean.
World Facilities Management Day
Give some thanks to the unrecognized heroes who keep offices, hotels, resorts and more clean, comfortable and running smoothly.
National Coworking Day
Working with others can improve productivity and offer social outlets at work. Attend a seminar, or talk to your boss about coworking opportunities where you work.
Human Resource Professional Day
Thank your HR department for the work they do, and attend a seminar or event to learn more about how they can help you and your co-workers in the workplace.
International Week of Happiness at Work
You spend so much time working, it’s important to cultivate happiness there. Take the pledge to make your office life happier for you and those around you.
Anzac Day
For Australia and New Zealand, Anzac Day represents the sacrifices made by soldiers from these companies. It stands for “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps”.
Own Business Day
Help support independent businesses on Own Business Day by participating in their website, events, and hashtags to boost awareness and growth.
World Product Day
Attend one of Mind the Product’s global events to learn how your business and others affect the economy, and how you can do so beneficially.
International Day of Medical Transporters
Take some time to appreciate the men and women who get the sick injured to where they can get help. Medical transporters save lives every day, so thank them.
Insurance Nerd Day
If you have any friends or family who are insurance nerds, thank them for the work they do and see if they have any advice they’re just dying to give you.
International Midwives’ Day
Doctors and hospitals are a recent development for birthing. In the past, experienced women called midwives kept new mothers and babies safe during birth.
International Vascular Birthmarks Awareness Day
Understand the origins of vascular birthmarks, and help get rid of any stigma and misunderstandings that have to do with these very common birthmarks.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Fig Newton Day
Soft, filled delights blend chewy textures with fruity nuances, crafting a snack that's a timeless symphony of flavors.
National Rhubarb Pie Day
Who knew that such a tasty dessert could be made out of something that is technically classified as a vegetable?!
National Draw a Dinosaur Day
A whole species of animals that once roamed the earth, but have been extinct for many thousands of years, represents the mystery of the world that existed prior to humankind.