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World Radiography Day

The art of revealing hidden truths through the lens of science, a noble pursuit that unveils the mysteries within the human form.

Job Action Day

Discovering vocations that perfectly align with ambitions, where aspirations meet reality, is like uncovering a treasure trove of purpose.

World Teachers Day

Teachers have a hard, often unrewarding, but crucial job. Give any teachers you know a big thank-you, and consider donating to funds and organizations for teachers.

World Physical Therapy Day

Physical therapy can help everything from minor pains to serious injuries, and understanding how the body works can help you keep yours healthy and comfortable.

National Emma M. Nutt Day

Pick up your phone and dial the operator, and thank them for the work they do to honor the trailblazing pioneer of female phone operators, Emma M. Nutt.

National Bad Poetry Day

Put aside your self-consciousness and create some bad poetry –on purpose. Read others’ horrendous rhymes, and get creative about making something awful.

U.S. Coast Guard Birthday

Show your support for the brave men and women of the US Coast Guard who put their lives on the line to save ours, from fishing boats accidents to hurricanes.

National Inventors Month

Take some time to appreciate the brilliant men and women who have invented ways to make our lives better and easier, from glasses to plumbing to spaceships.

National Hug a Plumber Day

Give a special thank-you to the unsung heroes that keep our lives flowing—literally. Without plumbers, we would live in a much more disgusting world.

Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

Give your webmaster a proper thank-you for all their hard work creating the streamlined, good-looking, effective website by taking them out to lunch.

Public Service Day

Give a big thanks to the public servants who keep our communities running, from restoring power during a storm to checking for gas leaks and more.

National Receptionists Day

Give your receptionist a paid day off, or take some time to say thank you or send a card to the receptionists that help handle your affairs every day.

National Cartoonists Day

Take a walk down memory lane by revisiting the beloved, charming, often bizarre cartoons of your childhood like Calvin and Hobbes, or discover new ones.

Navy Day

Honoring the brave sailors who protect the seas, safeguard freedoms, and ensure national security is a testament to their unwavering dedication and sacrifice.

National Salesperson Day

These are the folks who can chat up a storm about anything from the weather to your wildest dreams, and you'll end up buying something anyway.

Hug an Australian Day

Spread a little love around the world by participating in Hug an Australian Day. Show some appreciation to an Aussie in your life, or plan a trip!

Canada Day

Have a Canadian cook-out, research the history of this wonderful country, or plan a trip to see first-hand what the vast and diverse place has to offer.

National Broadcast Traffic Professionals Day

Behind the scenes, these unsung heroes keep your daily commute flowing smoothly, navigating the waves of traffic like seasoned sea captains.

Workers’ Memorial Day

From buildings to clothing, we often take for granted the comforts of modern living, but workers of the past faced deadly hazards to give us these comforts.

World Post Day

Give your mailman a thank-you card or gift, and make use of this long-standing public service by sending a letter, package, or other mail the old-fashioned way.

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