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World Heart Day

Nurturing the body's lifeline, embracing vitality through mindful choices, and safeguarding the rhythm that fuels each beat of life.

International Coastal Cleanup Day

With a heart for the environment, individuals join forces to restore shores, demonstrating love and commitment to preserving our oceans' beauty.

National Hot Cross Bun Day

With the perfect blend of warm spices and soft, fluffy texture, this pastry is a seasonal treat that is sure to make your taste buds dance!

Calendar Adjustment Day

Pick up a new calendar, update your current calendar, or coordinate your calendar with friends and family to keep your schedule running smoothly and consistently.

National Kiss And Make Up Day

Let go of petty grudges and drawn-out fights, and Kiss and Make Up with those nearest and dearest to you, whether that’s a sibling, friend, spouse or anyone else.

National Be An Angel Day

You don’t have to engage in giant acts of heroism to be someone’s angel. Small acts of kindness throughout your day can change others’ lives in many ways.

International Day of Older Persons

With increasing lifespans, it grows more and more important to think about and appreciate the place and contributions of older persons in our lives and society.

Men’s Grooming Day

Men of the world, end the scruffiness and disarray and focus on your grooming. Take some time to shave, trim, or even visit a professional salon or barber.

Ingersoll Day

Dive into the beliefs and influences of 19th century thinker and orator Robert G Ingersoll, who fostered reason, dialogue, and freedom of thought.

International Lefthanders Day

Navigating life with a unique perspective, it's like being part of an exclusive club where creativity and adaptability shine.

National Fresh Breath Day

Many people suffer from halitosis, or bad breath, without even realizing it. Check your breath, practice good oral hygiene, and pop a sugar-free breath mint.

Second Half of the Year Day

Reflect on the first half of your year, check in on your New Year’s resolutions and set goals and new resolutions for the upcoming second half of the year.

National Upsy Daisy Day

Make a conscious effort to turn your usually grumpy mornings around by greeting the new day with warmth, hope, cheer and at least a little enthusiasm.

National Sense Of Smell Day

Take some time to stop and smell the roses—literally. National Sense of Smell Day is for appreciating the many scents our noses can pick up and enjoy.

Use Your Common Sense Day

Taking a step back and relying on good ol' logic, like deciphering a puzzle without needing a map or a compass.

Have A Bad Day Day

Sending vibes that turn frowns upside down, this playful act adds a touch of devilish humor and light-heartedness to someone's day.

Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Everyone has something special that they excel at, whether it's a knack for cooking, a love of singing, or an eye for design.

National Face Your Fears Day

Don’t let your fears hold you back. Use Face Your Fears Day to confront those things that keep you from achieving your goals, and free yourself from fear.

National Equal Pay Day

Despite many gains and improvement, women around the world receive significantly less pay than their male counterparts. Learn about why and how to change it.

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U.S. Air Force Day

A symbol of dedication and strength, this aerial defense team safeguards the skies, enabling freedom and security for the nation.

National Daughter Day

From tea parties to movie nights, their laughter is infectious, and their love is boundless. Daughters are life's little blessings.

National Name Your Car Day

You can’t truly love your car until you give it a name. Consider your car’s quirks and personality and come up with a fitting name, or try a Car Name Generator.

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