National Bunsen Burner Day
That nifty lab gadget that cranks up the heat for chemical experiments, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Morse Code Day
Learn a valuable skill, and a fun new way to communicate with friends and family by trying your hand at the simple but highly useful Morse Code.
National Broadcast Traffic Professionals Day
Behind the scenes, these unsung heroes keep your daily commute flowing smoothly, navigating the waves of traffic like seasoned sea captains.
National VCR Day
Lean into nostalgia by digging out that dusty old VCR player, a few VHS tapes, and hosting a movie watching party with some of your old favorites from those days.
Embrace Your Geekness Day
Geeks are in! Dig out that Star Trek t-shirt, drink out of your Buffy mug, even consider sharing some of that fanfiction you definitely “didn’t” write.
National Internet Day
In a world where a click connects, a treasure trove of information, cat videos, and endless memes awaits, turning boredom into fascination.
International Amateur Radio Day
The “International” in “International Amateur Radio Day” honors how amateur radio-ers pioneered fast, immediate global connection in the 20th century.
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
Exploring the mysteries of celestial civilizations unveils a universe rich in diversity and knowledge, inviting mankind to contemplate its place in the vast cosmic tapestry.
World TB-303 Appreciation Day
An electronic music pioneer, its unique sound sculpted a genre that continues to resonate through the rhythms of today's tracks.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Whipped Cream Day
Top off desserts with a dollop of creamy indulgence, adding a touch of decadence to every bite and turning ordinary moments into pure delight.
Kiss a Ginger Day
Get up close and personal with a redhead, show appreciation for the gingers in your life or give your hair some TLC with styling and products.