World Day for Assistive Technology
Innovative devices empower individuals with disabilities, enhancing independence, accessibility, and overall quality of life.
Global Wind Day
Harnessing the strength of natural forces, providing a sustainable and clean energy solution for a greener future.
International Invention Day
Transforming imaginative ideas into tangible reality can change lives, spark innovation, and drive human progress forward.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upNational Organ Donor Day
The selfless act of giving the gift of life can bring hope and healing to those in need. It's a remarkable legacy that transcends time and spreads compassion.
National Sticky Bun Day
Imagine sinking your teeth into gooey, caramelized goodness atop a swirl of dough—these delightful pastries are a sweet indulgence worth savoring.
National Tooth Fairy Day
Have you heard of the little visitor who brings treats to kids while they sleep? She's sparkly, sneaky, and always on the hunt for lost teeth!