National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
Unexpectedly drenched sidewalks — the secret weapon for sparking spontaneous laughter battles with pals on rainy days.
International Tongue Twister Day
Phrases that tie your tongue into playful knots — vocal gymnastics for verbal enthusiasts, amusing and challenging all at once.
Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day
Allow boredom to seep into your bones, and race your cursor around your desktop icons in a fun yet brain-meltingly-boring game of Race Your Mouse Around The Icons.
National Dance Like a Chicken Day
Gather your friends and family, put on that funky music, and do the classic, goofy, ever-popular Chicken Dance to get moving and, undoubtedly, laughing.
Coming up...
Find out what else is coming upMonkey Day
Spend a day at the zoo with these cheeky creatures, throw a monkey-themed fancy dress party or fundraise to protect these precious primates.
Don’t Make Your Bed Day
Unfurling your sheets and leaving your covers a mess might just give you the relaxation you didn't know you needed.
National Call a Friend Day
A friendly voice; a friendly ear—share your stories with someone who cares. Connect with loved ones and feel the warmth of human connection.